När man tror att det inte kan bli värre...

... så blir de fan de... helt fantastiskt underbart att aldrig känna sig frisk, att vakna på morgonen å aldrig känna att man är bra i halsen... halsen är mitt liv, sången är mitt liv... har varit utan mitt liv sen augusti! Levt helt meningslöst och inte kommit nånstans... Vad ska jag göra?! Behöver någon som lyssnar på mig och som har vetenskapen till att göra det bättre, göra mig frisk... ge mig mitt liv tillbaka... !!!!!!!!

-Do you believe in God?
-No, but I thought I used to believe in something... Until I heard a man say -"It's not my words or my brothers! It's the words from God!"
God is not to talk about, cause he's not there to defend himself.
But who are you, taking his words in your mouth and making them your one?! Who are you?! His friend? His slave? His Companion? Have you ever heard him speak? What did he say? Stone Them!!!! ?
God is not to talk about, god is to talk to... God is trust, god is truth, god is saftey an god i fare.
If god would speak then, what would he say?
-"I love a great war, splendid another child died today cause she had nothing to eat or oh good you took that mans life he was such a looser anyway!"
No! Cause if there was a god life would be perfect with morals, etics, humanity, sanity, no wars, no poverty, no overpopulation and no illness. But we don't live in that world. Peolpe suffer, people struggle and peolpe die for no reason. Why? Because of god or because of us, the peolpe? Us...
So no, I don't believe in god but I used to believe in something!


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